GIS in forestry sector

Forestry as a profession is intended to be engaged in collecting, processing and analysis, as well as creating plans that are spatially defined. Just the lowest level of the use of GIS in forestry is creating thematic maps. Once created digital map is "alive" in the sense that it is very easy to add the changes from the field, print parts or the entire map, change the scale, enter the basis such as the cadastre or air clip (orthophoto), etc. and using GPS and its possibilities it is possible to accurately find objects in the field, or enter them accurately from the field on the map.

Adventages of using GIS tecnology:

  • Precise surface (on which basis we count all inventory elements)
  • Easy to make changes on the map (in the field and office)
  • easy to manipulate with other sources of cartographic data (cadastre, old forestry maps, topographic maps, airplane clips, GPS coordinates from terrain)
  • precise navigation in the field
  • Using pocket PC (PDA) it is possible to "transfer office to the field" (navigation, data entry and editing in the field and transfer data to a computer are more efficient)

Fornet in almost all projects apply GIS technology but especially at work in relation with forest management planning.

  • Creation digital maps and data base for National Park "Đerdap" and education in GIS technology; Public enterprise "National park Đerdap"
  • "Implementation of GIS technology in the sector of rural and agriculture development"; Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management – Sector for rural and agriculture
  • Creation digital maps and data base for Management Estate "Sombor" (10 managemet units, with an area cca 24 000 ha); Management Estate "Sombor", PE "Vojvodinašume"
  • Creation digital maps and data base for Management Unit "Deliblatska peščara"; Management Estate "Banat" Pančevo, PE "Vojvodinašume"
  • "Promotion of rural tourism in Tršić"; Association of citizens for the development of rural tourism "Vuk Karadžić"

Fornet d.o.o. consulting and services in nature resources management

Fornet is a consulting company registered in 2005 in Serbia. It presents a network of experts and professionals from various Serbian institutions who each have a long experience of working in the field of forestry, rural development and natural resources sustainable management. Fornet provides services to local, national and international actors and operators active in the field of forestry and natural resources management. As such, we work in close partnership with institutional and private organizations.